
Within VMware Aria Automation Assembler, what would an administrator configure to allow a flavor mapping to be selected?

Within VMware Aria Automation Assembler, what would an administrator configure to allow a flavor mapping to be selected?
A . VMware Aria Automation Cloud zones
B . VMware Aria Automation Templates
C . VMware Aria Automation Custom forms
D . VMware Aria Automation Projects

Answer: A


Within VMware Aria Automation Assembler, an administrator would configure a flavor mapping to be selected in the VMware Aria Automation Cloud zones. A flavor mapping groups a set of target deployment sizings for a specific cloud account/region in VMware Aria Automation using natural language naming. Flavor mapping lets you create a named mapping that contains similar flavor sizings across your account regions. For example, a flavor map named standard_small might contain a similar flavor sizing (such as 1 CPU, 2 GB RAM) for some or all available account/regions in your project. When you build a cloud template, you pick an available flavor that fits your needs. You can organize flavor mappings for your project by deployment intent. You can also select a pre-configuration option when you add a new cloud account, which will select the most popular flavor mapping and image mapping for the specified region. The other options, VMware Aria Automation Templates, VMware Aria Automation Custom forms, and VMware Aria Automation Projects, are not the places where you can configure the flavor mapping for VMware Aria Automation Assembler.

Reference: Learn more about flavor mappings in VMware Aria Automation

Configure tenant specific image and flavor mappings for VMware Aria Automation

How to add flavor mappings in VMware Aria Automation to specify common machine sizings Create global image and flavor mapping for VMware Aria Automation tenants

To allow a flavor mapping to be selected within VMware Aria Automation Assembler, it’s typically configured within the VMware Aria Automation Cloud Zones (A). Cloud Zones define the specific compute resources available for deployment, and flavor mappings are associated with these zones to specify the virtual hardware configurations for VMs.

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