Which VMware GUI tool is used to identify problems in a physical network?

Which VMware GUI tool is used to identify problems in a physical network?
A . VMware Aria Automation
B . VMware Aria Orchestrator
C . VMware Site Recovery Manager
D . VMware Aria Operations Networks

Answer: D


According to the web search results, VMware Aria Operations Networks (formerly vRealize Network Insight)

is a network monitoring tool that can help monitor, discover and analyze networks and applications across

clouds1. It can also provide enhanced troubleshooting and visibility for physical and virtual networks2.

The other options are either incorrect or not relevant for identifying problems in a physical network. VMware Aria Automation is a cloud automation platform that can help automate the delivery of IT services. VMware Aria Orchestrator is a cloud orchestration tool that can help automate workflows and integrate with other systems. VMware Site Recovery Manager is a disaster recovery solution that can help protect and recover virtual machines from site failures.

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