Which User Management option manages the QRadar functions that the user can access?

Which User Management option manages the QRadar functions that the user can access?
A . Security Profile
B . Admin Role
C . Security Options
D . User Role

Answer: A


In IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, managing what functions a user can access is crucial for maintaining security and ensuring that users have appropriate permissions. The Security Profile option is used to manage these access controls.

Here’s how it works:

Security Profile: Defines the specific permissions and roles assigned to users, dictating what actions they can perform within QRadar. This includes access to various modules, dashboards, and functionalities.

User Role: While related, user roles are more about grouping users with similar permissions rather than defining individual access.

Admin Role: Typically reserved for users with administrative privileges but does not manage the specific functions users can access.

Security Options: This is not a relevant option for managing user access to QRadar functions.


IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 documentation details how security profiles are configured and managed, providing comprehensive steps on assigning and modifying user access based on roles and profiles.

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