Which two steps must the consultant complete before starting a manual upgrade to the latest release?

A CTO of a customer who uses adverrtising sales management (ASM), asked a consultant to help them upgrade to the latest ASM release.

Which two steps must the consultant complete before starting a manual upgrade to the latest release?
A . Ensure that the consultant has the required permission sets and licenses
B . complete the post install tasks for salesforce insustries communications, media, and energy
C . raise a support ticket to enable the required permissions
D . go to setup and click on validaate in the latest release

Answer: A, B


Before starting a manual upgrade to the latest ASM release, a consultant must:

Ensure they have the required permission sets and licenses: This is crucial to ensure the consultant has the necessary access rights to perform the upgrade and configure the system as needed.

Complete the post-install tasks for Salesforce Industries Communications, Media, and Energy: These tasks may include configuration adjustments, data migrations, or other necessary steps to ensure that the upgrade is successful and that the system remains stable and functional after the upgrade.

Completing these steps ensures that the upgrade process goes smoothly and that the system is properly prepared for the new release.

Reference: Salesforce Industries Upgrade Guide: https://help.salesforce.com/ Salesforce Permission Sets and Licenses documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.securityImplGuide.meta/securityImplGuide/users_profiles_permission_sets.htm

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