Which two steps are necessary to enable Salesforce B2B Commerce logging in the managed package?

Which two steps are necessary to enable Salesforce B2B Commerce logging in the managed package?
A . Ensure you save a value in the Logging Token input field in the Global Settings section of CC Admin.
B . Turn On theCheckbox "Cloudcraze Logging" in CC Admin.
C . Ensure the value saved in the Logging token field is appended to the ccLog query parameter.
D . Set a cookie with the Id of the user accessing the storefront in CC Admin

Answer: A,C


To enable Salesforce B2B Commerce logging in the managed package, you need to do two steps. First, you need to save a value in the Logging Token input field in the Global Settings section of CC Admin. This value can be any string that you choose, such as “debug”. Second, you need to ensure that the value saved in the Logging token field is appended to the ccLog query parameter in the URL of the storefront page that you want to debug.

For example, if your logging token is “debug”, then your URL should look like this: https://my-storefront.com/?ccLog=debug. This will enable logging for that page only. You do not need to turn on the checkbox “Cloudcraze Logging” in CC Admin, as this is an old setting that is no longer used. You also do not need to set a cookie with the Id of the user accessing the storefront in CC Admin, as this is not required for logging.

Salesforce Reference: [B2B Commerce Developer Guide: Logging]

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