Which two solutions should the administrator use to modify the picklist field values?

The marketing team wants a new picklist value added to the Campaign Member Status field for the upsell promotional campaign.

Which two solutions should the administrator use to modify the picklist field values? Choose 2 answers
A . Add the Campaign Member Statuses related list to the Page Layout.
B . Edit the picklist values for the Campaign Status in object Manager.
C . Mass modify the Campaign Member Statuses related list.
D . Modify the picklist value on the Campaign Member Statuses related list

Answer: BD


Campaign Status is a standard picklist field on the Campaign object that indicates whether a campaign is planned, in progress, completed, or aborted. Campaign Member Status is a custom picklist field on the Campaign Member object that indicates how a person responded to a campaign, such as sent, responded, registered, attended, etc. To add a new picklist value for Campaign Status, you need to edit the field in Object Manager. To add a new picklist value for Campaign Member Status, you need to modify the field on the Campaign Member Statuses related list on the Campaign page layout.




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