Which two solutions should a consultant recommend to a client who wants to integrate with an ad server other than google ad manager (GAM) to create an ad campaign?

Which two solutions should a consultant recommend to a client who wants to integrate with an ad server other than google ad manager (GAM) to create an ad campaign?
A . use the out of the box ad server integration
B . create a custom integration procedure to integrate with the ad server
C . use the out of the box marketing cloud intelligence connector
D . create a custom solution using apex code

Answer: B, D


For integrating with an ad server other than Google Ad Manager (GAM) to create an ad campaign, the consultant should recommend:

Creating a custom integration procedure to integrate with the ad server: This involves developing a tailored integration solution that communicates directly with the ad server’s APIs, ensuring seamless data exchange and functionality specific to the client’s needs.

Creating a custom solution using Apex code: Leveraging Salesforce’s powerful programming language, Apex, to build custom logic and integrations that cater specifically to the functionality and workflows required for the ad server integration.

These approaches provide the flexibility and specificity needed to integrate with various ad servers, offering tailored solutions that meet the client’s unique requirements.

Reference: Salesforce Developer Guide on Integration and APIs: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/

Salesforce Apex Developer Guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/

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