Which two of the following Windows device onboarding methods become available after integrating Workspace ONE UEM with Azure AD? (Choose two.)

Which two of the following Windows device onboarding methods become available after integrating Workspace ONE UEM with Azure AD? (Choose two.)
A . Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub enrollment
B . Microsoft 365 application onboarding
C . Out-of-Box Experience
D . Native MDM enrollment
E . Command-line staging with Intelligent Hub

Answer: C, D


After integrating Workspace ONE UEM with Azure AD, the Windows device onboarding methods that become available are ‘Out-of-Box Experience’ and ‘Native MDM enrollment’. These methods facilitate smooth and efficient device onboarding, leveraging the capabilities of Azure AD for streamlined management and deployment.

Reference: VMware Workspace ONE UEM Documentation: Azure AD Integration

VMware Blog: Enhancing Windows Device Management

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