
Which two objects in the media cloud data model hold specific ad sales information within the advertising sales management application?

Which two objects in the media cloud data model hold specific ad sales information within the advertising sales management application?
A . ad creative size type
B . quote
C . contract line item
D . media plan placement

Answer: B, D


Within the Salesforce Media Cloud data model, specifically in the Advertising Sales Management application, certain objects hold vital ad sales information:

Quote: This object is pivotal in capturing proposed pricing and terms for advertising spots. It serves as a formal proposal to potential advertisers, outlining the costs associated with different ad placements within media content.

Media Plan Placement: This object details the specifics of each ad placement within a media plan, including its location, duration, and any other relevant criteria. It is crucial for organizing and managing where and how ads will be displayed in media content.

These objects are integral to managing the ad sales process, from proposing pricing to detailing the

specifics of ad placements.

Reference: Salesforce Advertising Sales Management documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Media Cloud resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/

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