Which two command should be used to configure the bond?

An administrator is currently using both 10g uplink with LACP and balance-tcp. A single VM should not be allowed to use more than a single 10G uplink, and both uplinks should be utilized.

Which two command should be used to configure the bond? (choose two)
A . Ovs-vsctl set port br0-up bond_mode=balance-slb
B . Ovs-vsctl set port br0-up bond_mode=balance-tcp
C . Ovs-vsctl set port br0-up bond_mode=active-backup
D . Ovs-vsctl set port br0-up other_config: bond-rebalance-interval=30000

Answer: AD


For a configuration where a single VM should not exceed the bandwidth of a single 10G uplink and both uplinks need to be utilized, the correct bonding mode is balance-slb (Source Load Balancing). This mode allows both uplinks to be utilized while ensuring that a single VM will not exceed the capacity of one uplink, as traffic from each VM or "source" is assigned to one of the links in the bond. The other_config: bond-rebalance-interval=30000 command is used to set the interval at which the bonding driver will rebalance the assignment of sources to links in the bond. This helps in maintaining optimal distribution of load across the links as network conditions change.

Reference: Nutanix Bible: Network Configuration

Nutanix University: Advanced Network Configuration

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