Which two actions should the administrator take to preserve the integrity of the source reports?

Executives at Cloud Kicks have reported that their dashboards are showing inaccurate data. The administrator has discovered been changing the source reports.

Which two actions should the administrator take to preserve the integrity of the source reports? Choose 2 answers
A . Create a new report folder with viewer access.
B . Move the dashboard to the user’s private folder.
C . Move the dashboard reports to the view-only folder.
D . Change the dashboard to be a dynamic dashboard

Answer: A, C


Report folders are used to organize and secure reports in Salesforce. You can set different levels of access for different users or groups on each report folder. To preserve the integrity of the source reports for dashboards, you can create a new report folder with viewer access only and move the dashboard reports to that folder. This way, users can view the reports but not edit them.




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