Which two (2) pieces of information from the MaxMind account must be included in QRadar for geographic data updates?

Which two (2) pieces of information from the MaxMind account must be included in QRadar for geographic data updates?
A . Account/User ID
B . API key
C . License Key
D . MaxMind username
E . API password

Answer: B, C


To include geographic data updates from MaxMind in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, the following two pieces of information from the MaxMind account are required:

API Key: This key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the MaxMind services, ensuring that QRadar can request and receive geographic data updates.

License Key: This key is associated with the MaxMind account and allows QRadar to utilize the licensed geographic data for enhanced location-based analysis.

These keys ensure that the data integration is secure and that the usage complies with MaxMind’s licensing agreements.


IBM QRadar SIEM documentation specifies the API key and license key as necessary credentials for integrating MaxMind geographic data, detailed in the setup and configuration sections.

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