Which troubleshooting step will resolve an error with code 1001 during the configuration of a time-based firewall rule?

Which troubleshooting step will resolve an error with code 1001 during the configuration of a time-based firewall rule?
A . Reinstalling the NSX VIBs on the ESXi host.
B . Restarting the NTPservice on the ESXi host.
C . Changing the lime zone on the ESXi host.
D . Reconfiguring the ESXI host with a local NTP server.

Answer: B


According to the web search results, error code 1001 is related to a time synchronization issue between the ESXi host and the NSX Manager. This can cause problems when configuring a time-based firewall rule, which requires the ESXi host and the NSX Manager to have the same time zone and NTP server settings. To resolve this error, you need to restart the NTP service on the ESXi host to synchronize the time with the NSX Manager. You can use the following command to restart the NTP service on the ESXi host:

/etc/init.d/ntpd restart

The other options are not valid solutions for this error. Reinstalling the NSX VIBs on the ESXi host will not fix the time synchronization issue. Changing the time zone on the ESXi host may cause more discrepancies with the NSX Manager. Reconfiguring the ESXi host with a local NTP server may not be compatible with the NSX Manager’s NTP server.

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