
Which three things must an admin keep in mind when creating Action Plan Templates?

Which three things must an admin keep in mind when creating Action Plan Templates?
A . When creating Action Plan Templates with the Ul. you can designate a plan owner different from the plan creator.
B . When you create an Action Plan from a template for a specific target record, the plan creator can choose whether the date calculation is based on calendar or working days.
C . An Action Plan is a run-time instance of the template that allows you to automate the sequence of the tasks you defined in the template.
D . When you create an Action Plan from a template for a specific target record, item deadlines are calculated using the start date and date offset " defined in the Action Plan Template
E . The Action Plan Template permission set must be added to all users that want to use Action Plans.

Answer: B, C, D


The following things must be kept in mind when creating Action Plan Templates:

When creating Action Plan Templates with the UI, you can designate a plan owner different from the plan creator. The plan owner is the user who is responsible for executing the tasks in the Action Plan. The plan creator is the user who creates the Action Plan Template or the Action Plan from the template. You can assign a different plan owner for each Action Plan Template or Action Plan.

An Action Plan is a run-time instance of the template that allows you to automate the sequence of the tasks you defined in the template. An Action Plan Template is a reusable blueprint that defines the tasks, owners, and deadlines for a common business process or service request. An Action Plan is a specific implementation of the template that applies to a particular target record, such as an account, contact, or opportunity.

When you create an Action Plan from a template for a specific target record, item deadlines are calculated using the start date and date offset defined in the Action Plan Template. The start date is the date when you create the Action Plan from the template. The date offset is the number of days before or after the start date when each task is due. You can specify different date offsets for each task in the template.

Verified Reference: Salesforce Help Article 2: Salesforce Help Article 3: Salesforce Help Article 4

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