Which THREE of the following strategies would you advise LLL to use to build its long-term sales in Country B?

LLL is considering entering Country B to sell its zero emissions car.

LLL has invested heavily in fuel cell technology for its car. It does not rely on any polluting fuels for its energy. This means that LLL’s car is the only true zero emissions car.

Research conducted in Country B for LLL has revealed the following:

• Country B’s Government is concerned that all forms of pollution have risen to dangerous levels.

• Despite being worried about pollution the Government of Country B has not yet adopted taxation policies to encourage the use of low pollution cars.

• Drivers choosing a car continue to rank the speed and appearance of a car very much high er than its impact on environmental pollution.

• About 2% of motorists own an electric or hybrid powered car.

• A high rate of sales tax levied on the price of new cars in Country B encourages motorists to continue to drive older, more polluting, cars.

LLL recognises that it needs to plan its strategy for Country B over the long-term.

Which THREE of the following strategies would you advise LLL to use to build its long-term sales in Country B?
A . Meet relevant members of the government of Country B to present the value of including emissions from electricity generating stations in their calculation of vehicle pollution to help
reduce pollution.

B . Sponsor environmental groups in Country B to launch a campaign to take older cars off the road by calling on government to reduce the sales tax on new cars according to its emissions.
C . Try to win the affection of motorists by donating funds to campaigns that resist attempts by the government to impose taxes on cars, according to the pollution they generate.
D . Approach government lawyers in Country B and offer to engage them as paid consultants in exchange for their help in drafting taxation legislation that favours zero emission cars.
E . Provide schools and colleges with pre-prepared lesson resources that teach the science behind fuel cell technology and why it leads to zero emissions.

Answer: A,B,E

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