Which three marketing cloud intelligence integration methods can a consultant use to ingest and integrate all available channels as well as first and third party data source, to create a cross-channel optimization platform?

Which three marketing cloud intelligence integration methods can a consultant use to ingest and integrate all available channels as well as first and third party data source, to create a cross-channel optimization platform?
A . data mapping visualizer
B . totalConnect
C . Marcketing cloud intelligence data lake stream
D . API connectors
E . Data raptor

Answer: BCD


For ingesting and integrating all available channels as well as first and third-party data sources to create a cross-channel optimization platform, a consultant can use:

TotalConnect: This method allows for the ingestion of data from various sources, enabling a comprehensive view of customer interactions and campaign performance across channels. Marketing Cloud Intelligence Data Lake Stream: Leveraging this integration method facilitates the streaming of large volumes of data into Marketing Cloud Intelligence, supporting real-time analytics and insights.

API Connectors: These connectors provide a flexible and customizable way to integrate disparate data sources with Salesforce, enabling seamless data exchange and integration.

Utilizing these integration methods allows for the creation of a unified platform that optimizes cross-

channel marketing efforts, leveraging data from diverse sources for comprehensive analysis and


Reference: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce API Documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/

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