Which three documents help a revenue cloud consultant better understand the client’s Revenue Cloud Project requirements before speaking for the first time in a scoping session?

Which three documents help a revenue cloud consultant better understand the client’s Revenue Cloud Project requirements before speaking for the first time in a scoping session?
A . A sample proposal the client provides to their customers
B . Brochures that provided detail to the products and services the client offers
C . The latest release notes found at help salesforce.com>salesforce CPQ patch notes
D . An approval matrix documentation that describe the approvals needed before a quote is sent to the customer
E . The clients income statements and balance sheet.

Answer: A,B,D


These are three documents that can help a revenue cloud consultant gain a better understanding of the client’s business model, value proposition, pricing strategy, and approval process before engaging in a scoping session.

A sample proposal the client provides to their customers: This document can help the consultant understand how the client presents their products and services to their customers, what kind of information they include, how they structure their pricing and discounts, and what terms and conditions they apply. This can help the consultant design a solution that meets the client’s needs and expectations, as well as aligns with their branding and messaging. 1

Brochures that provided detail to the products and services the client offers: This document can help the consultant understand the features and benefits of the client’s products and services, how they differentiate themselves from their competitors, and what kind of value they deliver to their customers. This can help the consultant configure the product catalog, pricing rules, and quote templates that reflect the client’s offerings and value proposition. 2

An approval matrix documentation that describe the approvals needed before a quote is sent to the customer: This document can help the consultant understand the client’s internal governance and compliance requirements, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved in the quote-to-cash process. This can help the consultant set up the approval workflows, notifications, and permissions that ensure the accuracy and validity of the quotes and contracts. 3


1: This article explains how to create a professional proposal for customers using Salesforce CPQ.

2: This article explains how to create and manage product catalogs and pricing in Salesforce Revenue Cloud.

3: This article explains how to create and manage approval processes in Salesforce Revenue Cloud.

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