Which tFileinputDelimted component parameters should you configure to parse the input file correctly?

Using the following input file format as an example:

Which tFileinputDelimted component parameters should you configure to parse the input file correctly? Choose 3 answers
A . Limit
B . Schema
C . Field separator
D . Footer
E . Header

Answer: B, C, E


Using the following input file format as an example:

<OCR>Name, Phone Abraham Smith, 510-555-5555 … Steven Doe, 613-555-5555 </OCR>

The tFileInputDelimited component parameters that you should configure to parse the input file correctly are Schema, Field separator, and Header. The Schema parameter defines the structure and type of the data in the input file. You can use a built-in schema or a repository schema to specify the columns and their properties. The Field separator parameter defines the character that separates each field in a row of data. In this case, it is a comma (,). The Header parameter defines the number of rows to be skipped at the beginning of the file. In this case, it is 1, as the first row contains the column names.

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