
Which support plan is most cost effective?

The client needs a support response time of under 2 hours to deploy on IBM Cloud.

Which support plan is most cost effective?
A . Premium
B. Platinum
C. Classic
D. Advanced

Answer: D


IBM Cloud offers three support plans – Basic, Advanced, Premium The Advanced IBM Cloud support plan would be most cost effective for Severity 1 issues. Initial response time for advanced IBM Cloud support plan:

– Severity 1: Less than one hour

– Severity 2: Less than two hours

– Severity 3: Less than four hours

– Severity 4: Less than eight hours

Initial response time for Premium IBM Cloud support plan:

– Severity 1: Less than 15 minutes

– Severity 2: Less than one hour

– Severity 3: Less than two hours

– Severity 4: Less than four hours

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