
Which steps should be used to prioritize the administrator’s troubleshooting efforts?

Over the period of 2 to 3 weeks, a cluster displays the following:

• Periods where Warning Alerts of memory usage over 75% are asserted

• Periods where Critical Warnings of memory usage over 90% are asserted

• Periods of slow of frozen VDI desktops have caused work stoppage or slowdown

• VDI clones have periodically not powered up when called, causing work stoppage

Which steps should be used to prioritize the administrator’s troubleshooting efforts?
A . • Assess resource health on Hardware page
• Review the Analysis page for memory usage demand
• Determine the VDI workload-to-host affinity across the cluster
B . • Analyze Alert Pages for a root cause of memory problem
• Analyze VM table page to access the VM functionality
• Analyze the VDI Clone properties for possible VDI Workload stress
C . • Check Analysis page for CPU demand
• Verify VDI workload property for memory subscription
• Review the Hardware page to determine if the cluster has sufficient RAM
D . • Review Analysis Page for memory use pattern
• Alert with VDI workload demand
• Analyze current and future workload in the Capacity Runaway tab for sufficient resources

Answer: D


For the scenario with memory usage warnings and VDI performance issues, the best approach is to

analyze and understand the memory usage patterns and demands on the system. Option D focuses on reviewing the Analysis page to monitor memory use trends and patterns, which is crucial for identifying peak usage times or processes consuming excessive memory. The mention of alerting with VDI workload demand implies the need to monitor and possibly adjust the VDI workload to better fit within available resources. Finally, analyzing current and future workload in the Capacity Runaway tab helps in understanding if the cluster resources are sufficient for the demand, which is critical in planning for capacity management and ensuring that such issues are mitigated moving forward.

Reference: Nutanix Prism User Guide, Nutanix Community resources, VDI performance troubleshooting practices.

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