Which setting must be changed so managed devices open the SSO provider login page by default?

You are using a third-party service for SSO. Users are confused when signing onto a Chrome device because they are asked for Google account details before being redirected to the sign-In screen for your SSO provider.

Which setting must be changed so managed devices open the SSO provider login page by default?
A . SAML single sign-on login frequency
B . SAML single sign-on password synchronization flows
C . Single sign-on cookie behavior
D . Single sign-on IdP redirection

Answer: D


The Single sign-on IdP redirection setting controls whether managed devices directly open the login page of the third-party SSO provider (Identity Provider) or first prompt for Google account credentials. By enabling this setting, you streamline the login process for users and eliminate the confusion caused by the extra Google account prompt.

Option A is incorrect because it controls the frequency of re-authentication for SAML SSO, not the initial login page.

Option B is incorrect because it relates to password synchronization between Google and the IdP, not the login page redirection.

Option C is incorrect because it deals with how cookies are handled for SSO, not the login page redirection.

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