Which set of components are delivered as part of the managed package?

A b2b advertising publishing company has recently upgraded advertising sales management winter 22 to advertising sales management spring 22. Certain core components have been moved to the media service on the core platform to ensure easier upgrades.

Which set of components are delivered as part of the managed package?
A . flexipage, custom labels, data model, media service
B . flexipage, custom labels, velocity integration settings, custom layouts
C . omniscript definition, cpq api’s, flexipages, custom labels
D . omniscript definitions, CPQ API’s, apex classes, lightning web components

Answer: D


In the upgrade from Advertising Sales Management Winter ’22 to Spring ’22, certain core components were moved to the media service on the core platform to facilitate easier upgrades.

The set of components delivered as part of the managed package includes:

OmniScript Definitions: These define the scripts for guided selling processes and customer interactions within the Advertising Sales Management application.

CPQ APIs: Application Programming Interfaces for the Configure, Price, Quote functionality, enabling complex pricing and quoting processes.

Apex Classes: Custom Apex code that provides extended logic and functionalities specific to the advertising sales management process.

Lightning Web Components: Modern, lightweight UI components that enhance the user interface and user experience within the Advertising Sales Management application.

These components form the backbone of the managed package, ensuring that the core functionalities required for advertising sales management are maintained and upgraded effectively.

Reference: Salesforce CPQ API documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Guide: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/documentation/en/lwc

Salesforce OmniStudio documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.omnistudio.meta/omnistudio/

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