Which scenario could require an alternative deployment strategy?

Your organization has recently gone Google, but you are not syncing Groups yet. You plan to sync all of your Active Directory group objects to Google Groups with a single GCDS configuration.

Which scenario could require an alternative deployment strategy?

A. Some of your Active Directory groups have sensitive group membership.

B. Some of the Active Directory groups do not have owners.

C. Some of the Active Directory groups have members external to organization.

D. Some of the Active Directory groups do not have email addresses.

Answer: A


A. Syncing all Active Directory groups to Google Groups in a single sweep could inadvertently expose sensitive group membership information, especially if the access permissions are not meticulously configured during the sync process. For these groups with sensitive memberships, an alternative strategy may be required to ensure that only authorized personnel have access.

B. Groups not having owners in Active Directory is not a fundamental issue that would require an alternative deployment strategy. Once synced to Google Groups, the default owner typically becomes the admin who initiated the sync, and you can assign owners later.

C. Having members external to the organization in some Active Directory groups isn’t a hindrance for a standard sync strategy. Google Groups also supports having external members, provided the group settings allow it.

D. Groups not having email addresses in Active Directory may seem like an issue but can usually be resolved in the sync configuration itself. Google Groups requires an email address for each group, but this can be handled programmatically during the sync process.

Therefore, the most concerning scenario that might require an alternative deployment strategy is having some Active Directory groups with sensitive membership information.

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