Which one of the following approaches prevents other applications from accessing the SAM application using REST?

Any suspicious activity that that a customer performs is reported to the Financial-Crimes and Enforcement (FinCEN) department for further inquiry using the customer details by the U+ Bank suspicious activity monitoring (SAM) application. The investigation status is updated in the SAM application with a REST APIs service package that is configured in the SAM application call once the investigation is completed.

Which one of the following approaches prevents other applications from accessing the SAM application using REST?
A . Configure a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy with allowed FINCEN origin, and then apply this policy to the API.
B . Configure a custom authentication type, and then apply the authentication to the service package of the API.
C . Configure a content security policy (CSP) with allowed FinCEN origin (URL), and then apply the policy to the application.
D . Configure the OAuth2.0 authentication type and apply the authentication to the service package of the API.

Answer: A

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