Which of the quality goals listed below is MOST appropriate to the project context?

Within the world of consumer electronics, the amount of embedded software is growing rapidly. The amount of software in high-end television sets has increased by a factor of about eight over the last six years. In addition, the market of consumer electronics has been faced with a 5 -10% price erosion per year. The price of a product is, among a number of other things, determined by the microcontroller used. Therefore, the use of ROM and RAM remains under high pressure in consumer electronic products, leading to severe restrictions on code size.

Within a new high-end TV project, it has been decided to apply dynamic analysis.

Which of the quality goals listed below is MOST appropriate to the project context?
A . Prevent failures from occurring by detecting wild pointers and loss of system memory.
B . Analyse system failures which cannot easily be reproduced.
C . Evaluate network behaviour.
D . Improve system performance by providing information on run-time system behaviour.

Answer: D


In the context of consumer electronics, where there is rapid growth in embedded software and pressure to minimize code size due to cost constraints, dynamic analysis can be particularly useful for improving system performance. Dynamic analysis involves examining the system’s behavior during execution, which can provide insights into the efficiency of the code at runtime, memory utilization, and processing speed. In a high-end TV project where the use of ROM and RAM is under severe restrictions, dynamic analysis would be most appropriately applied to improve system performance, ensuring that the software runs efficiently within the available hardware resources. This supports the project context by contributing to the optimization of the software to run within the constraints of the microcontroller used, thereby potentially reducing costs.

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