Which of the following User Management terms is best described by this definition: " Item assigned to a User that determines the functionality that they can access across the Salesforce ecosystem".

Which of the following User Management terms is best described by this definition: " Item assigned to a User that determines the functionality that they can access across the Salesforce ecosystem".
A . Role
B . User License
C . Profile
D . Username

Answer: B


User License is the User Management term that is best described by this definition: “Item assigned to a User that determines the functionality that they can access across the Salesforce ecosystem”. Role is a User Management term that controls data visibility and reporting hierarchy within an organization based on users’ positions. Profile is a User Management term that defines what users can do within an organization based on their job function and responsibilities. Username is a User Management term that identifies users when they log in to Salesforce.

Reference: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.users_def.htm&type=5

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