Which of the following steps in the troubleshooting theory should be performed after a solution has been implemented? (Choose two.)

Which of the following steps in the troubleshooting theory should be performed after a solution has been implemented? (Choose two.)
A . Perform a root cause analysis
B . Develop a plan of action
C . Document the findings
D . Escalate the issue
E . Scope the issue
F . Notify the users

Answer: CF


The steps in the troubleshooting theory that should be performed after a solution has been implemented are document the findings and notify the users. The troubleshooting theory is a systematic process of identifying and resolving problems or issues with a system or device.

The troubleshooting theory consists of several steps that can be summarized as follows:

Identify the problem: Gather information, scope the issue, establish a theory of probable cause.

Establish a plan of action: Test the theory, determine next steps, escalate if necessary.

Implement the solution: Execute the plan, verify functionality, prevent recurrence.

Document the findings: Record actions taken, outcomes achieved, lessons learned. Notify the users: Communicate resolution status, confirm satisfaction, provide follow-up. Documenting the findings is an important step that helps create a record of what was done and why, what worked and what didn’t, and what can be improved or avoided in the future. Documenting the findings can also help with reporting, auditing, compliance, or training purposes. Notifying the users is another important step that helps inform the affected parties of what was done and how it was resolved, confirm that the problem is fixed and that they are satisfied with the outcome, and provide any follow-up instructions or recommendations.

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