Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tools that support component testing and the build process?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tools that support component testing and the build process?
A . Both are used to examine source code before a program is executed. This is done by analysing a section of code against a set (or multiple sets) of coding rules.
B . Both are used to reduce the costs of test environments by replacing real devices.
C . Both provide run-time information on the state of the software code, e.g., unassigned pointers and the use and de-allocation of memory.
D . Both provide an environment for unit testing in which a component can be tested in isolation with suitable stubs and drivers.

Answer: D


Tools that support component testing and the build process are designed to provide a controlled environment where individual units or components of the software can be tested in isolation. This is typically done using stubs, which simulate the behavior of missing components, and drivers, which simulate the behavior of a user or calling program. This isolated environment is essential for unit testing because it allows testers to find defects within the boundaries of a single component before integrating it into the larger system.

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