Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tools that support component testing and the build process?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tools that support component testing and the build process?
A . Component testing and build automation tools are only used by developers.
B . Build automations tools facilitate manual testing at a low level by allowing the change of variables values during test execution.
C . Component testing tools are typically specific to the programming language and may be used to automate unit testing.
D . Component testing tools are the basis for a continuous integration environment.

Answer: C


Component testing tools, which are often specific to a programming language, are used to automate unit tests (answer C). These tools help to validate the functionality of individual components or units of code in isolation from the rest of the application. While build automation tools are indeed used by developers and are related to continuous integration (answers A and D), and they can facilitate testing at various levels (answer B), component testing tools’ primary purpose is to support the testing of individual components, often through automated unit tests, which can be specific to the language in which the components are written.

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