Which of the following statements best captures the difference between data-driven and keyword-driven test automation?

Which of the following statements best captures the difference between data-driven and keyword-driven test automation?
A . Data-driven test automation extends keyword-driven automation by defining data corresponding to business processes.
B . Keyword-driven test automation extends data-driven automation by defining keywords corresponding to business processes.
C . Data-driven test automation is more maintainable than keyword-driven test automation.
D . Keyword-driven test automation is easier to develop than data-driven test automation.

Answer: B


Keyword-driven test automation is a framework where test cases are written using keywords that represent the actions or tests to be performed on the system. This is an extension of data-driven test automation, which focuses on separating test scripts from the test data, allowing the same test script to be run with various sets of data. Keyword-driven test automation further abstracts the process by allowing tests to be written in a more human-readable form that corresponds to business processes. This approach can improve maintainability and readability of test cases, making them easier to understand and modify. It’s not necessarily the case that one is more maintainable or easier to develop than the other (Options C and D); rather, they serve different purposes in test automation strategy.

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