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Which of the following statements are CORRECT about the host that provides external block storage for Cinder?

Which of the following statements are CORRECT about the host that provides external block storage for Cinder?
A . Cinder-API provides an interface for processing block storage access requests
B . The Cinder-Volume service is responsible for dealing with storage servers, such as Swift and Ceph, to create and delete volumes
C . The Cinder-Scheduler assigns tasks to servers that provide block storage
D . Cinder modules work in message queue mode

Answer: A


Reference: +provides+an+interface+for+processing+block+storage+access +requests&source=bl&ots=00_fQtdxkr&sig=ACfU3U3QhLOUmL8lJap5FOAqQr71SSMeSw&hl=en&sa=X& ved=2ahUKEwim96qy0N7gAhUFr6QKHXD9BjIQ6AEwA3oECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=Cinder-API% 20provides%20an%20interface%20for%20processing%20block%20storage%20access% 20requests&f=false

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