Which of the following statements about fault seeding tools is correct?

Which of the following statements about fault seeding tools is correct?
A . Fault seeding tools insert defects into the source code to check the effectiveness of testing.
B . Fault seeding tools insert defects into the source code to test the input checking capabilities of the software.
C . Fault seeding tools insert defects into the source code to support the application of specification-based test design techniques.
D . Fault seeding tools insert defects into the source code to check the level of maintainability of the software.

Answer: A


Fault seeding is a method used to evaluate the effectiveness of a testing process. Tools designed for fault seeding intentionally insert known defects into the source code, which are then supposed to be discovered during testing. The main purpose is not to check the input checking capabilities, support specification-based test design techniques, or assess maintainability of the software, but rather to gauge how well the testing process can identify and capture defects. By comparing the number of seeded faults that are found against the total number of faults inserted, test teams can get an insight into the effectiveness of their testing strategies and coverage. This method helps in understanding the detection capabilities of testing efforts and in identifying potential areas for improvement in test processes.

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