Which of the following products are eligible for a WaterSense label?

Which of the following products are eligible for a WaterSense label?
A . Tankless toilets
B . Waterless urinals
C . Public lavatory faucets
D . Private lavatory faucets

Answer: D


Private lavatory faucets are eligible for a WaterSense label, provided they meet EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance, and are backed by independent, third-party certification. Tankless toilets, waterless urinals, and public lavatory faucets are not eligible for a WaterSense label because they are not included in the product categories that WaterSense covers. WaterSense currently labels products in the following categories: tank-type toilets, water-using urinals, private lavatory faucets, showerheads, irrigation controllers, spray sprinkler bodies, and pre-rinse spray valves.

Reference: WaterSense Products | US EPA1

The WaterSense Label | US EPA2

Water Sense Labeling | LEEDuser3

Labeled Faucet Questions | WaterSense | US EPA4

What is the WaterSense Label and How Does it Apply?5

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