Which of the following pattern operations query targets? (Choose two.)

Which of the following pattern operations query targets? (Choose two.)
A . WMI Query
B . Merge Table
C . Get Process
D . Parse Variable

Answer: A, C


Pattern operations are the building blocks of patterns that define the logic and actions to perform on the target CIs. Some pattern operations query targets to retrieve information or execute commands, while others manipulate data or perform other tasks. WMI Query and Get Process are examples of pattern operations that query targets. WMI Query executes a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query on a Windows target and stores the results in a variable. Get Process

executes a command to list the processes running on a target and stores the results in a variable12.

Reference: Pattern operations – Product Documentation: Vancouver – ServiceNow

Pattern operations – Product Documentation: San Diego – Now Support Portal

Reference: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/paris-it-operations-management/page/product/service- mapping/task/t_WMIQueryPatDef.html

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