
Which of the following items describe ITSI Deep Dive capabilities? (Choose all that apply.)

Which of the following items describe ITSI Deep Dive capabilities? (Choose all that apply.)
A . Comparing a service’s notable events over a time period.
B . Visualizing one or more Service KPIs values by time.
C . Examining and comparing alert levels for KPIs in a service over time.
D . Comparing swim lane values for a slice of time.

Answer: B, C, D


Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/4.10.2/SI/DeepDives

A deep dive is a dashboard that allows you to analyze the historical trends and anomalies of your KPIs and metrics in ITSI. A deep dive displays a timeline of events and swim lanes of data that you can customize and filter to investigate issues and perform root cause analysis. Some of the capabilities of deep dives are:

B) Visualizing one or more service KPIs values by time. This is true because you can add KPI swim lanes to a deep dive to show the values and severity levels of one or more KPIs over time. You can also compare KPIs from different services or entities using service swapping or entity splitting.

C) Examining and comparing alert levels for KPIs in a service over time. This is true because you can add alert swim lanes to a deep dive to show the alert levels and counts for one or more KPIs over time. You can also drill down into the alert details and view the notable events associated with each alert.

D) Comparing swim lane values for a slice of time. This is true because you can use the time range selector to zoom in or out of a specific time range in a deep dive. You can also use the time brush to select a slice of time and compare the swim lane values for that time period.

The other option is not a capability of deep dives because:

A) Comparing a service’s notable events over a time period. This is not true because deep dives do not display notable events, which are alerts generated by ITSI based on certain conditions or correlations. Notable events are displayed in other dashboards, such as episode review or glass tables.

Reference: [Overview of deep dives in ITSI], [Add swim lanes to a deep dive in ITSI]

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