Which of the following issues would be MOST important to focus on during the review and when verifying the correct implementation?

Within the world of consumer electronics, the amount of embedded software is growing rapidly. The amount of software in high-end television sets has increased by a factor of about eight over the last six years. In addition, the market of consumer electronics has been faced with a 5 -10% price erosion per year. The price of a product is, among a number of other things, determined by the microcontroller used. Therefore, the use of ROM and RAM remains under high pressure in consumer electronic products, leading to severe restrictions on code size.

You are a Technical Test Analyst involved in the review of the architecture of this project.

Which of the following issues would be MOST important to focus on during the review and when verifying the correct implementation?
A . Connection pooling
B . Caching
C . Transaction concurrency
D . Lazy instantiation

Answer: D


The key context here is the challenge of managing limited resources, particularly ROM and RAM, due to severe restrictions on code size in consumer electronics. Lazy instantiation is a design pattern that defers the creation of an object until the first time it is needed. This approach can significantly reduce the application’s memory footprint by avoiding unnecessary pre-allocation of memory, which is particularly valuable in systems where memory resources are constrained. In reviewing the architecture for such a system, it’s crucial to ensure that objects are only created when necessary and that memory is optimally managed. Hence, the focus on lazy instantiation would be most important to ensure that the system uses resources efficiently and remains within the restricted code size.

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