
Which of the following is the MOST deficient way lor the owner to install the application?

A small business owner wants to install newly purchased software on all networked PCs. The network is not configured as a domain, and the owner wants to use the easiest method possible.

Which of the following is the MOST deficient way lor the owner to install the application?
A . Use a network share to share the installation files.
B. Save software to an external hard drive to install.
C. Create an imaging USB for each PC.
D. Install the software from the vendor’s website

Answer: B


Saving software to an external hard drive and installing it on each individual PC is the most inefficient method for the small business owner. This method requires manual intervention on each PC, and there is a higher risk of error or inconsistencies between PCs.

Additionally, if the software needs to be updated or reinstalled in the future, this process would need to be repeated on each PC.

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