Which of the following is the BEST description for events?

Which of the following is the BEST description for events?
A . Configuration item’s change o! state that can be observed
B . Configuration item’s change of state that has significance for the management of a service
C . Configuration item’s change of state that might lead to financial losses
D . Configuration item’s change of state regardless of its impact

Answer: B


In ITIL 4, events are defined as any detectable or discernible occurrences that have significance for the management of IT services. Not all changes in state are events, only those that matter for managing services, such as a performance threshold being reached or a server going offline.

Change of State with Significance for Service Management (Answer B – Correct): ITIL defines an event as a change of state in a configuration item (CI) that is significant for managing a service. These changes might indicate normal operation, warnings, or exceptions, and the service provider must monitor and manage them appropriately. Events allow the organization to track service performance and detect issues before they impact the service.

Change of State (Answer A – Incorrect): While this is part of the definition of an event, it lacks the critical component of significance for service management. Not every state change is an event that requires attention.

Change Leading to Financial Loss (Answer C – Incorrect): Although some events could lead to financial loss, this is a subset of events rather than a comprehensive definition.

Change Regardless of Impact (Answer D – Incorrect): Only state changes that have significance for the service need to be managed as events. This answer does not consider the importance of the event for service management.


Reference: Monitoring and Event Management Practice: Events are changes in the state of a configuration item that are significant for managing IT services, and they can be classified as informational, warnings, or exceptions.

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