Which of the following is NOT an experience-based technique?

Which of the following is NOT an experience-based technique?
A . Boundary value analysis.
B . Error guessing
C . Exploratory testing
D . Fault attack

Answer: A


Boundary value analysis is not an experience-based technique, but rather a specification-based technique (also known as black-box technique). Experience-based techniques are techniques that rely on the tester’s knowledge and intuition to derive and select test cases based on their experience with similar systems, technologies, domains, risks, etc. Some examples of experience-based techniques are error guessing, exploratory testing, fault attack, checklist-based testing, etc. Specification-based techniques are techniques that rely on the tester’s analysis and interpretation of the requirements or specifications of the system under test to derive and select test cases based on some criteria or rules. Some examples of specification-based techniques are equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision table testing, state transition testing, etc.

Verified Reference: A Study Guide to the ISTQB® Foundation Level 2018 Syllabus – Springer, page 31.

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