Which of the following is NOT a common issue with traditional capture/playback test automation?

Which of the following is NOT a common issue with traditional capture/playback test automation?
A . Difficult to maintain when software changes.
B . Recorded scripts are difficult to maintain by non-technical persons.
C . Data and actions are mixed in the recorded script.
D . Execution of the recorded script is difficult outside office hours.

Answer: D


Common issues with traditional capture/playback test automation include difficulty in maintaining the scripts when software changes (option A), the challenge for non-technical persons to maintain recorded scripts (option B), and the issue that data and actions are often intertwined within the recorded script (option C), which can make them hard to understand and modify. However, the timing of the execution of the recorded script (option D), such as the difficulty of running scripts outside office hours, is not typically a problem inherent to capture/playback test automation itself but rather an environmental or scheduling issue.

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