Which of the following is a valid reason for including security testing in a test approach?

Which of the following is a valid reason for including security testing in a test approach?
A . There is a threat of unauthorized copying of applications or data.
B . To provide measurements from which an overall level of availability can be obtained.
C . To evaluate the ability of a system to handle peak loads at or beyond the limits of its anticipated or specified workloads
D . Software changes will be frequent after it enters production.

Answer: A


Including security testing in a test approach is valid when there are concerns about unauthorized access or activities, such as the threat of unauthorized copying of applications or data (option A). This type of testing aims to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the system. The other options listed―availability measurements (option B), system’s peak load handling (option C), and frequent software changes (option D)―relate to different aspects of testing, such as reliability, performance, and maintainability, which are not directly associated with security testing.

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