Which of the following is a valid reason for including performance testing in a test approach?

Which of the following is a valid reason for including performance testing in a test approach?
A . To reduce the threat of code insertion into a web page which may be exercised by subsequent users.
B . To evaluate the system’s tolerance to faults in terms of handling unexpected input values.
C . To mitigate the risk of long response times to defects reported by users and/or customers.
D . To evaluate the ability of a system to handle increasing levels of load.

Answer: D


Performance testing is a key part of ensuring that a system can handle the expected load and perform well under high demand. This type of testing is designed to test the robustness, speed, scalability, and stability of the system under a given workload. It is not primarily concerned with security threats such as code insertion (Option A), nor with fault tolerance in terms of unexpected input values (Option B), nor with the speed of addressing user-reported defects (Option C), although these may be tangential benefits. Performance testing is focused on ensuring that the system meets performance criteria and can handle increasing loads without degradation of service, which is essential for providing a good user experience and for the system’s reliability.

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