Which of the following is a difference between an organization map and an organization chart?

Which of the following is a difference between an organization map and an organization chart?
A . An organization map highlights where in the organization that stakeholder concerns are not being addressed by a business architecture.
B . An organization map can be impacted by a business model change.
C . An organization map reduces the time, cost, and risk of business operations.
D . An organization map is limited to formal relationships between business units.

Answer: A


An organization map is a technique that can be used to show how a business architecture addresses stakeholder concerns across different parts of an organization3. It can highlight gaps or overlaps in the coverage of stakeholder concerns by a business architecture. An organization chart, on the other hand, is a diagram that shows the formal structure and hierarchy of an organization, such as reporting relationships and roles4. An organization chart does not necessarily show how stakeholder concerns are addressed by a business architecture.

An organization map differs from an organization chart in that it is designed to show more than just the formal hierarchy and relationships between different units within an organization. It provides a view of the enterprise from the perspective of the business architecture, highlighting areas where stakeholder concerns might not be addressed effectively, whereas an organization chart typically shows the formal reporting structures only.

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