Which of the following describes when to use the CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE (formerly CREATE INCREMENTAL LIVE TABLE) syntax over the CREATE LIVE TABLE syntax when creating Delta Live Tables (DLT) tables using SQL?

Which of the following describes when to use the CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE (formerly CREATE INCREMENTAL LIVE TABLE) syntax over the CREATE LIVE TABLE syntax when creating Delta Live Tables (DLT) tables using SQL?
A . CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE should be used when the subsequent step in the DLT pipeline is static.
B . CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE should be used when data needs to be processed incrementally.
C . CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE is redundant for DLT and it does not need to be used.
D . CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE should be used when data needs to be processed through complicated aggregations.
E . CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE should be used when the previous step in the DLT pipeline is static.

Answer: B


A streaming live table or view processes data that has been added only since the last pipeline update. Streaming tables and views are stateful; if the defining query changes, new data will be processed based on the new query and existing data is not recomputed. This is useful when data needs to be processed incrementally, such as when ingesting streaming data sources or performing incremental loads from batch data sources. A live table or view, on the other hand, may be entirely computed when possible to optimize computation resources and time. This is suitable when data needs to be processed in full, such as when performing complex transformations or aggregations that require scanning all the data.

Reference: Difference between LIVE TABLE and STREAMING LIVE TABLE, CREATE STREAMING TABLE, Load data using streaming tables in Databricks SQL.

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