
Which of the following describes a realistic troubleshooting workflow in ITSI?

Which of the following describes a realistic troubleshooting workflow in ITSI?
A . Correlation Search C> Deep Dive C> Notable Event
B . Service Analyzer C> Notable Event Review C> Deep Dive
C . Service Analyzer C> Aggregation Policy C> Deep Dive
D . Correlation search C> KPI C> Aggregation Policy

Answer: B


A realistic troubleshooting workflow in ITSI is:

B) Service Analyzer C> Notable Event Review C> Deep Dive

This workflow involves using the Service Analyzer dashboard to monitor the health and performance of your services and KPIs, using the Notable Event Review dashboard to investigate and manage the notable events generated by ITSI, and using the Deep Dive dashboard to analyze the historical trends and anomalies of your KPIs and metrics.

The other workflows are not realistic because they involve components that are not part of the troubleshooting process, such as correlation search, aggregation policy, and KPI. These components are used to create and configure the alerts and episodes that ITSI generates, not to investigate and resolve them.

Reference: [Service Analyzer dashboard in ITSI], Overview of Episode Review in ITSI, [Overview of deep dives in ITSI]

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