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Which of the following contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records?

Which of the following contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records?
A . Navigation Pane
B . Title bar
C . QBE grid
D . Quick Access Toolbar

Answer: C


The QBE grid contains the names of the fields involved in the query and the criteria used to select records. In the QBE grid, each column consists of information about a single field from a query or table that is included in the upper pane.

The image of the QBE grid is given below:

Answer option D is incorrect. The Quick Access Toolbar in MS Access 2010 is a customizable toolbar

which is displayed in the title bar of the Database window. It has a set of commands or functions (save, undo/redo, and print) that are independent of the tab on the ribbon currently displayed in MS Access. The Quick Access Toolbar can be moved from one of the two possible locations. A user can add any Access command as a button to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Answer option A is incorrect. The Navigation Pane is displayed on the left side in a new or existing database. The pane contains different database objects such as tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, etc. The database can be opened through the pane in different modes such as datasheet view, design view, and layout view. A user can use the navigation Pane to show or hide the database objects.

Answer option B is incorrect. The title bar is an area on the Database Window. It is used to show the name of the active database object.



Objective: Query Design

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