Which of the following client-facilitated approaches is likely to be the most efficient way to accomplish this objective?

Management would like to self-assess the overall effectiveness of the controls in place for its 200-person manufacturing department.

Which of the following client-facilitated approaches is likely to be the most efficient way to accomplish this objective?
A . Workshops.
B . Surveys.
C . Interviews.
D . Observation.

Answer: B


Self-assessment of controls can be efficiently conducted using various client-facilitated approaches. The choice of method depends on factors such as the size of the department, the nature of the controls, and the need for comprehensive feedback.

Efficiency in Large Groups: Surveys are particularly effective for large groups (such as a 200-person department) as they allow for the collection of data from many individuals quickly and efficiently.

Reference: IIA Practice Guide on "Control Self-Assessment," which suggests using surveys for broad-based data collection when assessing control effectiveness across larger groups.

Standardized Feedback: Surveys provide standardized questions, ensuring consistent data collection and making it easier to analyze the responses.

Practical Example: A survey might include questions rating the effectiveness of different control measures on a scale, allowing management to identify areas of strength and weakness. Anonymity and Honest Responses: Surveys can be conducted anonymously, encouraging more honest and candid feedback from employees who might hesitate to speak openly in workshops or interviews.

Advantage: This anonymity can lead to more accurate assessments of the controls’ effectiveness, as employees might feel more comfortable pointing out issues without fear of repercussions. Comparison to Other Methods:

Workshops (A): While useful for in-depth discussions, they are time-consuming and less efficient for large groups.

Interviews (C): Provide detailed insights but are also time-consuming and not practical for a 200-person department.

Observation (D): Useful for firsthand assessment but not efficient for gathering widespread feedback across a large department.

Conclusion: The correct answer is B, as surveys are the most efficient method for self-assessing the overall effectiveness of controls in a large department, offering a balance of broad coverage, standardized data, and anonymity.

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