Which of the following benefits of using the Databricks Lakehouse Platform is provided by Delta Lake?

Which of the following benefits of using the Databricks Lakehouse Platform is provided by Delta Lake?
A . The ability to manipulate the same data using a variety of languages
B . The ability to collaborate in real time on a single notebook
C . The ability to set up alerts for query failures
D . The ability to support batch and streaming workloads
E . The ability to distribute complex data operations

Answer: D


Delta Lake is the optimized storage layer that provides the foundation for storing data and tables in the Databricks lakehouse. Delta Lake is fully compatible with Apache Spark APIs, and was developed for tight integration with Structured Streaming, allowing you to easily use a single copy of data for both batch and streaming operations and providing incremental processing at scale1. Delta Lake supports upserts using the merge operation, which enables you to efficiently update existing data or insert new data into your Delta tables2. Delta Lake also provides time travel capabilities, which allow you to query previous versions of your data or roll back to a specific point in time3.


1: What is Delta Lake? | Databricks on AWS

2: Upsert into a table using merge |

Databricks on AWS

3: [Query an older snapshot of a table (time travel) | Databricks on AWS]

Learn more 1learn.microsoft.com2medium.com3slideshare.net4docs.databricks.com5github.com6key2consulting.com

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