Which of the following benefits is provided by the array functions from Spark SQL?

Which of the following benefits is provided by the array functions from Spark SQL?
A . An ability to work with data in a variety of types at once
B . An ability to work with data within certain partitions and windows
C . An ability to work with time-related data in specified intervals
D . An ability to work with complex, nested data ingested from JSON files
E . An ability to work with an array of tables for procedural automation

Answer: D


The array functions from Spark SQL are a subset of the collection functions that operate on array columns1. They provide an ability to work with complex, nested data ingested from JSON files or other sources2. For example, the explode function can be used to transform an array column into multiple rows, one for each element in the array3. The array_contains function can be used to check if a value is present in an array column4. The array_join function can be used to concatenate all elements of an array column with a delimiter. These functions can be useful for processing JSON data that may have nested arrays or objects.


1: Spark SQL, Built-in Functions – Apache Spark

2: Spark SQL Array Functions Complete List – Spark By Examples

3: Spark SQL Array Functions – Syntax and Examples – DWgeek.com

4: Spark SQL, Built-in Functions – Apache Spark: Spark SQL, Built-in Functions – Apache Spark: [Working with Nested Data Using Higher Order Functions in SQL on Databricks – The Databricks Blog]

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