Which of the following ate advantages of using infrastructure as code (laC) instead of provisioning with a graphical user interface (GUI)? Choose two correct answers.

Which of the following ate advantages of using infrastructure as code (laC) instead of provisioning with a graphical user interface (GUI)? Choose two correct answers.
A . Lets you version, reuse, and share infrastructure configuration
B . Provisions the same resources at a lower cost
C . Secures your credentials
D . Reduces risk of operator error
E . Prevents manual modifications to your resources

Answer: AD


It lets you version, reuse, and share infrastructure configuration as code files, which can be stored in a source control system and integrated with your CI/CD pipeline.

It reduces risk of operator error by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistency across environments. IaC does not necessarily provision resources at a lower cost, secure your credentials, or prevent manual modifications to your resources – these depend on other factors such as your cloud provider, your security practices, and your access policies.

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